在印尼峇里島的世外桃源~ Nusa Penida 開始您的渡假潛水課程及旅遊!

享受峇里島最美沙灘 + 絕美斷崖網紅打卡景點(Angel Billabong, Kelingking Beach). 下榻珀尼達島(Nusa Penida) 上擁有無邊際泳池高級精品旅館 資深中文教練小班制教學, 保障學習過程安心又安全


(Angel Billabong + Kelingking Beach)


絕對物超所值令您終身難忘 !


輕鬆造訪Manta及Mola潛點 !



珀尼達島~阿迪瓦納瓦娜卡麗飯店 (Adiwana Warnakali)

Adiwana Warnakali 坐落在 Nusa Penida 熱帶海灘上方 20 米處,
從我們的海濱探索 Nusa Penida 傳奇的水下美景。


我們有提供 PADI 課程和水肺潛水之旅的 Warnakali 潛水中心。
可以俯瞰美麗的海洋以及鄰近的 Nusa Ceningan 島。
在面向大海的泳池邊享受一天,或者另一種選擇是花一天時間探索 Nusa Penida 的最佳景點,
如 Angel Billabong、Atuh 海灘等等。
之後,在著名的 Tejas 水療中心放鬆身心並尋找幸福。


知名部落客都愛去玩的Nusa Penida

在Nusa Penida努沙佩尼達島潛水 爽看Mola Mola & Manta

Nusa Penida 位於珊瑚三角的中間,這裡是世界上最多樣化的海洋生物的家園!

珊瑚三角區是西太平洋的一個海洋區域,與印度尼西亞、馬來西亞、菲律賓、巴布亞新幾內亞、東帝汶和所羅門群島接壤。它的表面積為 600 萬平方公里,擁有豐富的海洋生物多樣性。Nusa Penida 水肺潛水將為您提供一生中最難忘的潛水體驗之一!

珊瑚三角區擁有多樣化的海洋生物多樣性。該地區因其支持的大量珊瑚而得名,僅在珊瑚礁上就發現了大約 600 種不同的珊瑚,佔世界珊瑚物種的 75% 以上!
Nusa Penida 的水肺潛水將讓您看到亞洲最著名的自由號沉船 USAT Liberty,它對浮潛者和潛水員開放!在宏觀/淤泥潛水點(Gilimanuk、Padang Bay、Tulamben 或 Amed!)發現奇妙的小生物,沿著 Nusa Penida / Nusa Lembongan 海岸當前遇到的各種顏色的海龜和珊瑚田漂流,或遇見雄偉的蝠鱝Nusa Penida 的光線或不尋常但著名的太陽魚 (Mola-Mola)!

我們還提供在Nusa Penida努沙佩尼達島定制您自己的潛水的行程選項。Penida 的多樣性不僅限於海底領域;也可以了解它陸地上的文化、稻田、海灘、森林等等!在您逗留期間,您將有會說英語、印尼語或中文的講師陪同。我們通常提供 8 到 15 天的陸地活動,但一切都可以根據您的特定需求量身定制!
作為PADI 專業發展中心,我們提供從初級OW(開放水域潛水員)到教練級別IDC的所有 PADI 課程!

Day 1 : 接駁至Nusa Penida珀尼達島, 入住下榻飯店

Pick up in South Bali (hotel or airport) and drop to the speed boat ferry to Nusa Penida. 45min ferry to Nusa Penida follow by pick up from Adiwana driver and check-in at Adiwana Warnakali Hotel.

派車於峇里島機場峇里島南邊飯店接到客人後, 再轉搭前往珀尼達島之快艇, 船程約45分鐘後即可抵達珀尼達島, 並由下榻之阿迪瓦納瓦娜卡麗飯店司機將您接送至飯店,辦理入住手續

Day 2: 理論複習+泳池課程

Meeting at the dive center at 08:00 AM with your instructor for theory review and pool practice for the PADI Open Water Diver Course. Lunch included. 

與教練於8:00AM於潛店集合,進行理論學科複習及測驗, 之後進行泳池課程學習基本技巧


Day 3 : OW海洋訓練課程第一潛及第二潛 + 午後陸遊兩景點

Pick up after your breakfast at around 08:00 AM to go for your 2 first Open Water Dives in Nusa Penida. Back from the dives with lunch included. Drop to your hotel followed by afternoon land tour with Angel Billabong and Kelingking Beach visit with our driver.

於早餐後約8:00AM接送您至船上,於珀尼達島附近潛點進行OW課程海洋訓練第一及第二潛。於一二潛後將於海灘邊享用午餐,午餐後將由司機接送前往陸遊, 造訪峇里島最美沙灘及絕美斷崖Kelingking Beach及Angel Billabong, 陸遊後司機將學員送回下榻飯店

Day 4 : OW海洋訓練課程第一潛及第二潛 + 交通接駁回峇里島本島

Check out after your breakfast at around 08:00 AM and pick up to go for your 2 last Open Water Dives in Nusa Penida. Back from the dives with lunch included. Our driver will then bring you to the ferry harbor to cross back to Bali. A driver in Bali will wait for you to drop you back to the airport or your hotel (depending the plan).

於早餐後先行辦理退房,約8:00AM接送您至潛水船上, 於珀尼達島附近潛點進行OW課程海洋訓練第三及第四潛兩支潛水後享用午餐, 午餐後由司機將學員送至碼頭搭船回到峇里島本島,下船後碼頭邊司機將載送您直接到機場或後續住宿之飯店(依照您的旅遊計畫而調整)

Included : 費用包含項目

  • 4 days, 3 nights, 4 dives, 1 land tour 三晚住宿 +4支OW課程潛水+一趟陸遊(兩景點)
  • 12 Liters aluminum cylinder with Yoke valves + weights + diving equipment   12公升氣瓶+配重+全套潛水裝備(電腦表除外)
  • PADI e-Learning and Open Water Diver Course with certification   PADI 線上電子教材及PADI初階開放水域潛水員課程及合格證照 
  • Direct supervision by experienced Dune Instructor during all diving activities   全程由Dune集團資深中文教練陪同並進行課程,保障您的潛水課程安全
  • Ferry to go to Nusa Penida from Bali and back   從峇里島至珀尼達島來回交通船接駁
  • Logistic (depending the activity: minibus AC, car 4/5 seats AC…)   車輛接送(視每團人數安排小巴士或5人座汽車接駁)
  • The boats 潛水船
  • Porters (when available on site) 協助搬運行李之服務員
  • The fuel (including taxes) 汽油(含稅)
  • Breakfast and Lunch with non-alcoholic drinks (Menu Dune Bali or Pic-Nic)   早餐, 午餐及無酒精飲料, 自Dune Penida之套裝菜單上選擇

 Not Included: 費用不包含項目

  • Flights 機票
  • 15 Liters cylinders (extra rental 5 euros/cylinder) 15公升氣瓶, 租借每支5歐元
  • Diners 晚餐
  • Extra food and beverage outside of the menu prepared by Dune Bali   套裝菜單上之外的額外食物及飲料
  • Tips for guides 導潛及教練小費
  • Optional activities during your stay 其他自費活動

兩人同行每人價格 :  $27,800 TWD

Day 1 : 交通接駁至Nusa Penida珀尼達島, 入住下榻飯店

Pick up in South Bali (hotel or airport) and drop to the speed boat ferry to Nusa Penida. 45min ferry to Nusa Penida follow by pick up from Adiwana driver and check-in at Adiwana Warnakali Hotel.

派車於峇里島機場峇里島南邊飯店接到客人後, 再轉搭前往珀尼達島之快艇, 船程約45分鐘後即可抵達珀尼達島, 並由下榻之阿迪瓦納瓦娜卡麗飯店司機將您接送至飯店,辦理入住手續

Day 2: 早上進行AOW海洋訓練第一潛及第二潛, 沙灘午餐後進行海洋訓練第三潛

Pick up after your breakfast at around 08:00 AM to go for your 2 first Advanced Open Water Dives in Nusa Penida. Back from the dives with lunch included at the beach. 1 more Adventure Dive completed after the lunch break in the early afternoon before going back to your hotel with our driver.


Day 3 : 早上進行AOW海洋訓練第四潛及第五潛, 沙灘午餐後享受悠閒午後時光

Pick up after your breakfast at around 08:00 AM to go for your 2 last Advanced Open Water Dives in Nusa Penida. Back from the dives with lunch included. Our driver will then drop you back to your hotel for a relaxed afternoon.

於早餐後約8:00AM接送您至船上,於珀尼達島附近潛點進行AOW課程海洋訓練第四及第五潛兩支潛水後享用午餐, 午餐後後由司機將學員送回飯店, 享受悠閒的午後時光及飯店設施

Day 4 : 早餐後退房,進行一趟陸遊至兩景點Angel Billabong+Kelingking Beach, 陸遊結束後交通接駁回峇里島本島

Check out after your breakfast at around 08:00 AM and pick up to go for a land tour visiting Angel Billabong, and Kelingking Beach. Lunch will be included and our driver will then bring you to the ferry harbor to cross back to Bali. A driver in Bali will wait for you to drop you back to the airport or your hotel (depending the plan).

早餐後約8:00AM退房, 並接送至珀尼達島最著名之人氣網紅拍照景點-Angel Billabong以及Kelingking Beach, 午餐將含於行程中, 行程結束後將由司機將學員送至碼頭搭船回到峇里島本島,下船後碼頭邊司機將載送您直接到機場或後續住宿之飯店(依照您的旅遊計畫而調整)

Included : 費用包含項目

  • 4 days, 3 nights, 5 dives, 1 land tour 三晚住宿 +5支AOW課程潛水+一趟陸遊(兩景點)
  • 12 Liters aluminum cylinder with Yoke valves + weights + diving equipment   12公升氣瓶+配重+全套潛水裝備(電腦表除外)
  • PADI e-Learning and Advanced Open Water Diver Course with certification   PADI 線上電子教材及PADI進階開放水域潛水員課程及合格證照 
  • Direct supervision by experienced Dune Instructor during all diving activities   全程由Dune集團資深中文教練陪同並進行課程,保障您的潛水課程安全
  • Ferry to go to Nusa Penida from Bali and back  從峇里島至珀尼達島來回交通船接駁
  • Logistic (depending the activity: minibus AC, car 4/5 seats AC…)  車輛接送(視每團人數安排小巴士或5人座汽車接駁)
  • The boats 潛水船
  • Porters (when available on site) 協助搬運行李之服務員
  • The fuel (including taxes) 汽油(含稅)
  • Breakfast and Lunch with non-alcoholic drinks (Menu Dune Bali or Pic-Nic)  早餐, 午餐及無酒精飲料, 自Dune Penida之套裝菜單上選擇

Not Included: 費用不包含項目

  • Flights 機票
  • 15 Liters cylinders (extra rental 5 euros/cylinder) 15公升氣瓶, 租借每支5歐元
  • Diners 晚餐
  • Extra food and beverage outside of the menu prepared by Dune Bali Dune Bali菜單上之外的額外食物及飲料
  • Tips for guides 導潛及教練小費
  • Optional activities during your stay 其他自費活動

兩人同行價每人  $26,800 NTD

Day 1 : 交通接駁至Nusa Penida珀尼達島, 入住下榻飯店

Pick up in South Bali (hotel or airport) and drop to the speed boat ferry to Nusa Penida. 45min ferry to Nusa Penida follow by pick up from Adiwana driver and check-in at Adiwana Warnakali Hotel.

派車於峇里島機場峇里島南邊飯店接到客人後, 再轉搭前往珀尼達島之快艇, 船程約45分鐘後即可抵達珀尼達島, 並由下榻之阿迪瓦納瓦娜卡麗飯店司機將您接送至飯店,辦理入住手續

Day 2: 早上進行兩支Fun Dive休閒潛水, 沙灘午餐後進行第三支Fun Dive休閒潛水

Pick up after your breakfast at around 08:00 AM to go for your 2 first Dives in Nusa Penida. Back from the dives with lunch included at the beach. 1 more Fun Dive completed after the lunch break in the early afternoon before going back to your hotel with our driver.


Day 3 : 早上進行兩支Fun Dive休閒潛水, 沙灘午餐後進行第三支Fun Dive休閒潛水

Pick up after your breakfast at around 08:00 AM to go for your 2 first Dives in Nusa Penida. Back from the dives with lunch included at the beach. 1 more Fun Dive completed after the lunch break in the early afternoon before going back to your hotel with our driver.

於早餐後約8:00AM接送您至船上,於珀尼達島附近潛點進行第四及第五潛兩支潛水後於海邊享用午餐, 午餐後將在進行第六支休閒潛水,結束後由司機將學員送回飯店

Day 4 : 早餐後退房,進行一趟陸遊至兩景點Angel Billabong+Kelingking Beach, 陸遊結束後交通接駁回峇里島本島

Check out after your breakfast at around 08:00 AM and pick up to go for a land tour visiting Angel Billabong, and Kelingking Beach. Lunch will be included and our driver will then bring you to the ferry harbor to cross back to Bali. A driver in Bali will wait for you to drop you back to the airport or your hotel (depending the plan).

早餐後約8:00AM退房, 並接送至珀尼達島最著名之人氣網紅拍照景點-Angel Billabong以及Kelingking Beach, 午餐將含於行程中, 行程結束後將由司機將學員送至碼頭搭船回到峇里島本島,下船後碼頭邊司機將載送您直接到機場或後續住宿之飯店(依照您的旅遊計畫而調整)

Included : 費用包含項目

  • 4 days, 3 nights, 6 dives, 1 land tour 三晚住宿+六潛+一趟陸遊(兩景點)
  • 12 Liters aluminum cylinder with Yoke valves + weights + diving equipment (except dive computer)  12公升氣瓶+配重+全套潛水裝備(電腦表除外)
  • Direct supervision by experienced Dune Instructor during all diving activities  全程由Dune集團教練陪同監督,保障您的潛水安全
  • Ferry to go to Nusa Penida from Bali and back  從峇里島至珀尼達島來回交通船接駁
  • Logistic (depending the activity: minibus AC, car 4/5 seats AC…)  車輛接送(視每團人數安排小巴士或5人座汽車接駁)
  • The boats 潛水船
  • Porters (when available on site) 協助搬運行李之服務員
  • The fuel (including taxes) 汽油(含稅)
  • Breakfast and Lunch with non-alcoholic drinks (早餐, 午餐及無酒精飲料, 自Dune Penida之套裝菜單上選擇)

 Not Included: 費用不包含項目

  • Flights 機票
  • 15 Liters cylinders (extra rental 5 euros/cylinder) 15公升氣瓶, 租借每支5歐元
  • Diners 晚餐
  • Extra food and beverage outside of the menu prepared by Dune Bali  套裝菜單上之外的額外食物及飲料
  • Tips for guides 導潛及教練小費
  • Optional activities during your stay 其他自費活動

兩人同行每人價格 :  24,800 NTD

Day 1 : 交通接駁至Nusa Penida珀尼達島, 入住下榻飯店

Pick up in South Bali (hotel or airport) and drop to the speed boat ferry to Nusa Penida. 45min ferry to Nusa Penida follow by pick up from Adiwana driver and check-in at Adiwana Warnakali Hotel.

派車於峇里島機場峇里島南邊飯店接到客人後, 再轉搭前往珀尼達島之快艇, 船程約45分鐘後即可抵達珀尼達島, 並由下榻之阿迪瓦納瓦娜卡麗飯店司機將您接送至飯店,辦理入住手續

Day 2: 上午兩次浮潛+下午陸遊一趟兩景點(Angel Billabong+ Kelingking Beach)

Pick up after your breakfast at around 08:00 AM to go for your 2 first Snorkeling Sites in Nusa Penida. Back from the dives with lunch included at the beach. Our driver will then bring you on a land tour visiting Angel Billabong, and Kelingking Beach before going back to your hotel.

於早餐後約8:00AM接送您至船上,於珀尼達島附近2個浮潛點進行2次浮潛。早上兩次浮潛後將將於海灘邊享用午餐,午餐後將由司機接送前往陸遊, 造訪峇里島最美沙灘及絕美斷崖Kelingking Beach及Angel Billabong, 陸遊後司機將學員送回下榻飯店

Day 3 : 上午兩次浮潛+下午陸遊一趟兩景點(Diamond Beach+ Goa Giri Putri Temple)

Pick up after your breakfast at around 08:00 AM to go for your 2 first Snorkeling Sites in Nusa Penida. Back from the dives with lunch included at the beach. Our driver will then bring you on a land tour visiting Diamond Beach, and Goa Giri Putri Temple before going back to your hotel.

於早餐後約8:00AM接送您至船上,於珀尼達島附近2個浮潛點進行2次浮潛。早上兩次浮潛後將將於海灘邊享用午餐,午餐後將由司機接送前往陸遊, 造訪Diamond Beach鑽石沙灘及Goa Giri Putri Temple, 陸遊後司機將學員送回下榻飯店

Day 4 : 午前享受悠閒放空時光, 退房後交通接駁回峇里島本島

Breakfast and relaxed morning before checkin out from Adiwana Warnakali, our driver will then bring you to the ferry harbor to cross back to Bali. A driver in Bali will wait for you to drop you back to the airport or your hotel (depending the plan).


Included : 費用包含項目

  • 4 days, 3 nights, 4 snorkeling sites, 2 land tour , 3晚住宿, 4次浮潛, 2次陸遊
  • Snorkeling equipment 浮潛全套裝備
  • Direct supervision by experienced Dune Guide during all diving activities 全程由DUNE資深浮潛教練陪同照料及帶潛
  • Ferry to go to Nusa Penida from Bali and back  從峇里島至珀尼達島來回交通船接駁
  • Logistic (depending the activity: minibus AC, car 4/5 seats AC…)  車輛接送(視每團人數安排小巴士或5人座汽車接駁)
  • The boats 潛水船
  • Porters (when available on site) 協助搬運行李之服務員
  • The fuel (including taxes) 汽油(含稅)
  • Breakfast and Lunch with non-alcoholic drinks (Menu Dune Bali or Pic-Nic)   早餐, 午餐及無酒精飲料, 自Dune Penida之套裝菜單上選擇

 Not Included: 費用不包含項目

  • Flights 機票
  • 15 Liters cylinders (extra rental 5 euros/cylinder) 15公升氣瓶, 租借每支5歐元
  • Diners 晚餐
  • Extra food and beverage outside of the menu prepared by Dune Bali   套裝菜單上之外的額外食物及飲料
  • Tips for guides 導潛及教練小費
  • Optional activities during your stay 其他自費活動

兩人同行每人價格 :  $16,800 NTD

FAQ 常見問題


Nusa Penida 是最適合潛水的地方之一。
Penida 有很多適合初學者和專業人士的潛水點。


是的,Nusa Penida 有鯊魚。事實上,那裡有黑尖礁鯊和竹鯊。然而,努沙佩尼達的鯊魚很害羞,對人類基本沒有威脅。


Nusa Penida 的潛水價格從 30 美元到 300 美元不等。


努沙佩尼達以其美麗的海灘和潛水點而聞名,可以看到稀有的翻車魚Mola Mola、Manta。潛點有 Manta Point、Crystal Bay、SD Point 等景點是世界各地潛水員的潛水天堂!


就在這裡。我們是 PADI 認證的潛水中心,我們提供潛水課程,讓您成為合格的潛水員。